Corinne A. Gartner, 2014–2015 | National Humanities Center

Corinne A. Gartner (NHC Fellow, 2014–15)

Project Title

Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics: Collective Flourishing

Wellesley College

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Fellowship Work Summary, 2014–15

Corinne A. Gartner concentrated on her book project comparing Aristotle’s Eudamian Ethics and Nichomachean Ethics. She finished revising “The Possibility of Psychic Conflict in Seneca’s De Ira” for the British Journal for the History of Philosophy (2015); wrote two papers for edited volumes, one on Aristotelian philia for The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Ethics and another for a volume on self-knowledge in ancient thought; and drafted two other papers, one on a puzzle in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics VIII 1–4 about the friendships of vicious agents, and another on some metaphysical differences between Plato and Aristotle.