Benjamin Kahan, 2016–2017 | National Humanities Center

Benjamin Kahan (NHC Fellow, 2016–17)

Project Title

Sexual Etiologies and the Great Paradigm Shift

Louisiana State University

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Fellowship Work Summary, 2016–17

Benjamin Kahan completed the manuscript for Sexual Etiologies and the Great Paradigm Shift (under contract with University of Chicago Press). He also published an edition and translation Heinrich Kaan's "Psychopathia Sexualis (1844)": A Classic Text in the History of Sexuality (Cornell University Press, 2016). He contributed the introduction and edited "What Is Sexual Modernity" for the print-plus platform of Modernism/modernity (vol. 1, no. 3, 2016). In addition, he wrote several essays and book chapters including "Conjectures on the Sexual World-System" for GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies (vol. 23, no. 3, 2017); "The Intimacies of Ray Johnson: an Interview between William S. Wilson and Benjamin Kahan" and "Ray Johnson's Anti-Archive: Sadomasochism, Blackface, and the Sexual and Racial Imagination of Pop Art" for Angelaki: A Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, edited by Guy Davidson and Monique Rooney (forthcoming); and "Gay Autobiography in the Interwar Years, Or What Kind of Theory of Biography Does Queer Theory Need?" for The Cambridge History of American Gay Autobiography, edited by David Bergman (2018). He drafted "Volitional Etiologies" for a special issue of Modernism/modernity; "Abstinence" for the Routledge History of American Sexuality, and "José Garcia Villa's Transpacific Queer Aesthetics: Reversed Consonance and Combinatory Orientalism" for a special issue of the Journal of American Studies.