Patricia Sullivan, 2001–2002 | National Humanities Center

Patricia Sullivan (NHC Fellow, 2001–02)

Project Title

Struggle toward Freedom: A History of the NAACP

Harvard University

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Fellowship Work Summary, 2001–02

Patricia Sullivan wrote two chapters of her book entitled Struggle toward Freedom: A History of the NAACP (under contract with New Press); an essay, entitled "Prelude to Brown: Education and the Struggle for Racial Justice during the NAACP's Formative Decades, 1909-1934," for a volume of essays commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education; the foreword to Teaching the Civil Rights Movement, edited by Julie Armstrong et al. (Routledge Press, 2002); the foreword to Race, Rights, and Reaction in the Modern South, edited by Glenn Feldman and Kara Frederickson (University of Alabama Press, forthcoming, 2003); and drafted the introduction to Writing to Be Free: The Letters of Virginia Foster Durr, 1951-1972.