Reinhard Bernbeck (NHC Fellow, 2015–16)
Project Title
Material Traces of Nazi Terror. Reflections on History, Experience, and Memory
Freie Universität Berlin
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Fellowship Work Summary, 2015–16
Reinhard Bernbeck wrote four chapters and a portion of a fifth of his new book, Material Traces of Nazi Terror. Reflections on History, Experience, and Memory which will be published in German and English. He also wrote “Ur-Sachen”: a satire on the relationship between journalism, the Islamic State in Syria and the site of Palmyra, which was published in the literary journal Lettre International 2016 (1): 130-133; “Intrusions. On the Relation of Materiality and Suffering for a Festschrift for Reinhard Dittmann, edited by Kai Kaniuth, Daniel Lau and Dirk Wicke; and Bericht über die mit Mitteln des Berliner Antike-Kollegs unternommenen Ausgrabungen im Gelände des Halbmondlagers/ Moschee Wünsdorf (with Susan Pollock), a report on excavations at a WW I PoW Camp south of Berlin, conducted in the summer of 2016. He also cowrote “Palestinian Looted Tombs and their Archaeological Investigation” (with Salah Houdalieah, lead author, and Susan Pollock) for the Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research and “Third Space in Archaeology,” a paper requested by the "Excellence Cluster Topoi” for the journal eTopoi.