Lisa Earl Castillo (NHC Fellow, 2018–19)
Project Title
Between Memory, Myth and History: Atlantic Voyages in the Rise of an Afro-Brazilian Temple (Bahia, Brazil, 1810-1910)
Independent Scholar (Brazil)
Return to All FellowsFellowship Work Summary, 2018–19
Lisa Earl Castillo conducted significant research and finished two chapters of her book Between Memory, Myth and History: Atlantic Voyages in the Rise of an Afro-Brazilian Temple (Bahia, Brazil, 1810–1910). She also wrote “Famílias africanas em tempos do tráfico atlântico: Evidências de reencontros de parentes em cinco cartas de alforria (Bahia, 1818–1830),” which is forthcoming in Afro-Ásia (Salvador, Bahia) and “The Enigma of Candomblé’s nação ketu: The Case of Ilê Axé Iyá Nassô Oká” (forthcoming in Yoruba Studies Review). She also prepared a technical report for the Brazilian National Historical and Artistic Heritage Commission (IPHAN).