Derrida on the Mend | National Humanities Center

Work of the Fellows: Monographs

Derrida on the Mend

By Robert Magliola (NHC Fellow, 1979–80)

Buddhism; Christian Theology; Jacques Derrida; Martin Heidegger

West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 1984

From the publisher’s description:

The book has four parts. The first provides a lengthy explication and critique of Derrida, a service still much needed by today's philosophers and literary theorists. The second part locates a recension of Heideggerian thought at a site the author calls centric mysticism. Throughout this section, there are original applications to literature. The third part presents the full-scale analysis of Nagarjunist technique, and then goes on to develop a "differential" Zen contrasting very much with the "centric" Zen of Suzuki. Replete with treatments of Buddhist poetry, it is bound to be of great interest to Buddhologists. The fourth part applies "differentialism" to monotheism and Christian theology and develops a non-entitative trinitarianism, which will revise, it is hoped, contemporary theology significantly. Two appendices, in a concrete way, apply to literary theory and criticism what the author has worked out in the body of the book.

Philosophy / Literary Theory / Literary Criticism / Buddhism / Christian Theology / Jacques Derrida / Martin Heidegger /

Magliola, Robert (NHC Fellow, 1979–80). Derrida on the Mend. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press, 1984.