Chiapas: la razón ardiente. Ensayo sobre la rebelión del mundo encantado = Chiapas: the burning reason. Essay on the rebellion of the enchanted world | National Humanities Center

Work of the Fellows: Monographs

Chiapas: la razón ardiente. Ensayo sobre la rebelión del mundo encantado = Chiapas: the burning reason. Essay on the rebellion of the enchanted world

By Adolfo Gilly (NHC Fellow, 1991–92; 1996–97)

Mexican History; Political History; Rebellions; Violence; Military History; Indigenous Peoples of Mexico; Peace and Conflict Studies

Mexico City: Ediciones Era, 1997

History / Political Science / Mexican History / Political History / Rebellions / Violence / Military History / Indigenous Peoples of Mexico / Peace and Conflict Studies /

Gilly, Adolfo (NHC Fellow, 1991–92; 1996–97). Chiapas: la razón ardiente. Ensayo sobre la rebelión del mundo encantado = Chiapas: the burning reason. Essay on the rebellion of the enchanted world. Colección Problemas de México. Mexico City: Ediciones Era, 1997.