Edited by Luise White (NHC Fellow, 1993–94; 2016–17), Stephen Miescher, and David William Cohen

Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001
From the publisher’s description:
Until the advent of African independence, Africans were not considered fitting subjects for historical research and their words, voices, and experiences were largely absent from the continent's history.
In thirteen lively and provocative essays focusing on all areas of Sub-Saharan Africa, oral sources are seen as a way to restore African expression to African history. African Words, African Voices evokes the richness and relevance of oral sources for understanding a complex past for readers at all levels.
History / Anthropology / Historiography / Postcolonialism / Oral Tradition / African History /White, Luise (NHC Fellow, 1993–94; 2016–17), ed. African Words, African Voices: Critical Practices in Oral History. Edited by Luise White, Stephen Miescher, and David William Cohen. African Systems of Thought. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2001.