Focus On “What is Up to You”: The Stoics on How to Be Happier, Develop Your Character, and Live a Good Life | National Humanities Center

Humanities in Class: Webinar Series

Focus On “What is Up to You”: The Stoics on How to Be Happier, Develop Your Character, and Live a Good Life

Stoicism; Teaching; Character Education; Marcus Aurelius; Greece

Michael Tremblay (PhD, Independent Scholar (Canada))

January 25, 2024

Advisor(s): Keneshia Leveridge-James, NHC Teacher Advisory Council

The Stoics were a school of philosophy, founded over 2000 years ago in ancient Athens. Their most famous argument was that the only thing that mattered to live a good life was to have a good character. But what is a good character? And how do we develop one, according to the Stoics? Join us to learn about Stoic strategies for self-transformation, including how to have a healthier relationship with your emotions, experience less anxiety, and have a clearer perspective on what is truly important. This discussion will focus on the Stoic curriculum for “moral education,” or their three-step process for developing the character of their students.


Philosophy / History / Stoicism / Teaching / Character Education / Marcus Aurelius / Greece /


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