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Education Programs


National Humanities Center Names 2020–21 Teacher Advisory Council

The National Humanities Center is pleased to announce the selection of twenty exceptional educators as members of its 2020–21 Teacher Advisory Council. These teachers, from school districts in fifteen states and the District of Columbia, will work with the Center’s education program staff in piloting, evaluating, and promoting materials and professional development offerings for the Center’s nationally recognized education programs.


NHC Announces New Humanities in Class Digital Library

The National Humanities Center is pleased to announce the launch of the Humanities in Class Digital Library, an Open Education Resources (OER) platform. The platform is available to educators, scholars, and independent learners seeking high quality educational content on a wide range of humanities topics and subject areas. The library provides free and open access to all of the National Humanities Center’s educational resources as well as thousands of resources contributed by partner organizations across the humanities landscape.

Vietnam soldiers

NEH Grant to Fund Education Program on Southeast Asia

The National Humanities Center has received a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities in support of a summer institute for teachers on Southeast Asia in the mid-twentieth century and events surrounding the Vietnam War. Set to take place July 20–31, 2020, Contested Territory: America’s Role in Southeast Asia, 1945–75 will involve thirty-six high school teachers selected from across the country who will spend two weeks at the Center working with scholars of Southeast Asia.


National Humanities Center Welcomes Graduate Student Summer Residents

This summer the National Humanities Center is delighted to welcome fifty-nine PhD student participants for its graduate student summer residency program, Objects and Places in an Inquiry-Based Classroom: Teaching, Learning, and Research in the Humanities, July 15–26, 2019. Representing twenty-eight universities in eighteen states, these participants will work with leading scholars and educators from across the US as they learn how to add value to their research by focusing on teaching and learning.

Teacher Advisory Council 2017

National Humanities Center Names 2019–20 Teacher Advisory Council

The National Humanities Center has announced the selection of twenty highly qualified educators from across the country as members of its 2019–20 Teacher Advisory Council. These teachers, from school districts in fourteen states, will work with the Center’s education program staff in piloting, evaluating, and promoting resources and programs that complement its nationally recognized teaching and professional development materials.


National Humanities Center Receives NEH Grant to Foster Better Understanding of the Experience of Military Families

The NHC has received a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities for a new project training educators with military backgrounds to use literature to improve their students’ and communities’ understanding of the experience of veterans and their families. The grant will help fund a weeklong institute at the Center for thirty educators from communities in North Carolina and Virginia. The participants will work with literary scholars during the institute to devise educational programs for their classrooms and communities to be implemented over the course of the following year.


Center Launches Online Courses for Teachers

The NHC has launched the first in a new series of online courses for teachers exploring “Digital Literacy in the Classroom.” In this five-week online course, educators will explore digital literacy through a humanities lens, considering how media has evolved in the digital age, how its messages shape our citizenry, and how this understanding can be effectively conveyed in a classroom setting.


Creating and Performing Stories in the Humanities and Sciences

The humanities and sciences are often viewed as distinct and separate areas of inquiry. Yet whether we study history, chemistry, philosophy, or physics, our overarching methodology is similar in that it involves gathering data and constructing narratives—i.e. telling stories. A way of framing our overlap is by seeing the humanities and sciences as (1) guided by evidence, (2) subject to interpretation, and (3) open to revision. This one-day symposium on April 7, 2018 was an opportunity for humanists and scientists to come together to explore our commonalities and learn from each other.