By Gladys Engel Lang (NHC Fellow, 1983–84), and Kurt Lang (NHC Fellow, 1983–84)
Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1984
From the publisher’s description:
Politics and Television Re-Viewed, a revised and updated version of the highly acclaimed Politics and Television, examines the ways in which television, through its live coverage of major political events, has shaped public images of politics and political personalities and, in so doing, influenced the nature and course of political life. Drawing on over thirty years of research on mass media effects, the Langs examine how television has affected such diverse political events as the 1964 presidential election, the Carter-Ford debates, and Watergate. Moving beyond their once-controversial assertion that ′the medium is not the message,′ the authors present a detailed examination of television′s role in creating the symbolic environment through which people experience the political world.
Film and Media / Political Science / Politics / Television / Mass Media / Collective Memory / Twentieth-Century /Lang, Gladys Engel (NHC Fellow, 1983–84), and Kurt Lang (NHC Fellow, 1983–84). Politics and Television Re-Viewed. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1984.