By John J. Allen (NHC Fellow, 1989–90) and José M. Ruano de la Haza
Madrid: Editorial Castalia, 1994
From the publisher’s description:
Studies on the original staging of the Golden Age theater are relatively recent. Perhaps for this reason no monograph on the staging of comedy in commercial theaters existed until today in our language despite the great wealth of data that we have thanks to the work of scholars of the stature of Cotarelo, Pérez Pastor, San Román , John E. Varey, Norman D. Shergold, and a few others. Work of great wealth and interest for students of theater and literature of the golden age.
Theater / Comedy /Allen, John J. (NHC Fellow, 1989–90). Los teatros comerciales del siglo XVII y la escenificación de la Comedia. By John J. Allen and José M. Ruano de la Haza. Nueva biblioteca de erudición y crítica. Madrid: Editorial Castalia, 1994.