American Realism and American Drama, 1880-1940 | National Humanities Center

Work of the Fellows: Monographs

American Realism and American Drama, 1880-1940

By Brenda Murphy (NHC Fellow, 1981–82)

Performing Arts; Realism; Drama; Indigenous Americans

Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1987

From the publisher’s description:

The importance of Native American realism is traced through a study of the evolution of dramatic theory from the early 1890s through World War I and the uniquely American innovations in realistic drama between world wars.

Art / Theater / Performing Arts / Realism / Drama / Indigenous Americans /

Murphy, Brenda (NHC Fellow, 1981–82). American Realism and American Drama, 1880-1940. Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1987.