Hilde Hoogenboom (NHC Fellow, 2000–01); 2024–25
Project Title, 2024–25
Noble Rot: Corruption, Civil Society, and Literary Elites in Russia
Resident Associate, 2024–25
Slavic Studies, Arizona State University
Project Title, 2000–01
Identity and Realism: Russian Women Writers in the Nineteenth Century
Stetson University
Hilde Hoogenboom wrote two chapters for her book on Identity and Realism: Russian Women Writers in the Nineteenth Century, and two chapters, “Gender and Literary Biography: Nadezhda Khvoshchinskaia, a Reluctant Subject” and “Sisters: Nadezhda, Sof’ia, and Praskov’ia Khvoshchinskaia and a Tradition of Russian Women’s Writing,” for a volume entitled The Sisters Khvoshchinskaia (under consideration at Northwestern University Press) that she is co-editing with Joe Andrew and Arja Rosenholm. She wrote an article, entitled “Gender i literaturnaia biografiia: Nadezhda Khvoshchinskaia, soprotivliaiushchiisia sub’;ekt,” published in Preobrazhenie (Moscow, 2001), and two other articles, “Autobiographers As (Generic) Crossdressers: Catherine II, Dashkova, and Durova” and “From Bibliography to Canon: Classifying Women in Russia, France, Germany, and England,” that have been submitted for publication. Her review of Russia through Women’s Eyes: Autobiographies from Tsarist Russia, edited by Toby W. Clyman and Judith Vowles, is forthcoming in Comparative Literature Studies. Her proposal for a new edition and introduction to Catherine the Great’s memoirs, for which she received the National Humanities Center’s Cotsen Linkage grant, is under consideration at Penguin Classics and Oxford World Classics.