Teacher of the Year, Part 2: Documentary Screening and Live Teacher Discussion | National Humanities Center


Teacher of the Year, Part 2: Documentary Screening and Live Teacher Discussion

Teacher of the Year is a film that reveals the complex reality of teaching in the twenty-first century. This documentary explores the forces that influence a teacher’s performance for the competing needs of multiple audiences—students, parents, administrators, other teachers, politicians, and the public at large.

Angie Scioli
Angie Scioli of Leesville Road High School, Raleigh, NC

The film emphasizes Angie Scioli’s work for these varied audiences, documenting her struggles and triumphs to be a successful teacher, activist, mother, and wife. Teacher of the Year also contends with the image of teachers shaped by seductive media experiences, ones that often reduce teachers to a simplistic dichotomy of good or bad. By demonstrating that teacher performance is difficult to quantify, this film dispels myths about teaching that may present a barrier to meaningful educational reform.

The National Humanities Center is proud to offer a special streaming and panel event focused on Teacher of the Year to explore the themes of humanities education and educators. More than a first-person look at the rewards and challenges of teaching, the film and discussion will ask us to consider the ways that our culture and media expect educators to be either “heroes” or “hacks”—and the struggle for our teachers to find the right balance in their lives.

Official Trailer

Streaming Event

We invite you to join us for part two of Teacher of the Year. If you have not already viewed the documentary you can purchase a ticket to do so for $5. You will receive a code that allows you to view the full-length documentary (90 minutes) through Vimeo streaming services.

If you have already purchased a ticket and viewed the documentary, we invite you to sign up for the live webinar. Anyone who has purchased a ticket will automatically receive an email invitation to the live webinar on Tuesday, October 3, 2017 from 7:00 to 8:30 pm EST. Our teacher panel will provide insights on the key themes of the film, and the filmmakers Jay Korreck and Rob Phillips will be on hand to answer questions as well.


  • Victoria Ade

    Victoria Ade

    History and Social Sciences teacher at West Morris Central High School, Long Valley, NJ

  • Jason Chohonis

    Jason Chohonis

    AP World History teacher at Cutler Bay High School, Miami, FL

  • Carly Hill

    Carly Hill

    Speech and Drama teacher at Fairmont Junior High School, Boise, ID

  • Cherry Whipple

    Cherry Whipple

    U.S. and World History teacher at Austin High School, Austin, TX

Additional Viewing and Educational Opportunities

  • Obtain a site license for your university, school, or district
  • Organize a screening
  • Schedule a professional learning workshop based on the film

Please send an email to atlargep@gmail.com or teacheroftheyeardocumentary@gmail.com to learn more about these additional opportunities.