Visual History of the Cold War | National Humanities Center

Humanities in Class: Webinar Series

Visual History of the Cold War

Curtis Richardson (Course Faculty Instructor, History, Teachers College, Western Governors University)

February 12, 2019

Visuals played a critical role in waging and understanding the Cold War. Both the U.S. and Soviet governments understood the important role of photographs, posters, films, and political cartoons in representing and characterizing the enemies, the allies, and the home front. This webinar provides teachers with an opportunity to expand their content knowledge and pedagogical strategies by interacting with newly developed online resources for teaching the Cold War with visual primary sources. The objectives of this webinar are to support the teaching of this critical period in world history through visuals that convey both the U.S. and Soviet/Russian perspectives, and encourage inquiry-based learning through the concepts of visual representation, media production, and national identity.


Film and Media / History / Education Studies / Cold War / Soviet Union / Primary Sources / Propaganda / Mass Media /