Playful Genres: Leveraging Games as Opportunities for Inquiry | National Humanities Center

Humanities in Class: Webinar Series

Playful Genres: Leveraging Games as Opportunities for Inquiry

Video Games; Genre; Education; Inquiry

Josh Call (Professor of English, Grand View University)

March 25, 2025

According to the 2024 findings of the Entertainment Software Association, one of the most important desires of video game players is the ability of the medium to sharpen intellectual skills. Clearly there is power in using games to think and learn. 

Classrooms can capitalize on this as well. As a representational medium, games are never free from the influences that inform them, the discourses that surround them, and the cultural contexts that inform their multiple meanings. This presents educators with an opportunity to utilize games as an avenue for intellectual inquiry. By engaging students in conversations about game genres as experiences designed for audiences, we can help students connect their play to active learning, critical thinking, and meta-cognition.

This webinar will provide participants with approaches for engaging students in multi-disciplinary inquiry practices that utilize games to facilitate learning and growth in students of all levels and abilities.

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Education Studies / Technology / Video Games / Genre / Education / Inquiry /


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