Jennifer Brammer Elliott (Consultant; Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
March 17, 2020
Creating a quality online learning experience is a complex endeavor that requires a significant amount of pedagogical knowledge and skill. However, we find ourselves in an unexpected moment of crisis when our teachers at both the K–12 and collegiate levels are being asked to “switch to online learning” with very short notice. While that may sound simple, anyone who has ever taught online or developed an online course can tell you the preparation involved is significant. The purpose of this webinar is to guide you through the essentials for the practical development of teaching online, what you should consider to meet this immediate need, and some future resources for your next iteration. You will get a general structure to follow, receive a list of active resources, and be connected to a community of practice that can help you in real time.
Technology / Education Studies / Pedagogy / Internet /