David Price, "The Humanities in a Democratic Society" | National Humanities Center


David Price, "The Humanities in a Democratic Society"

November 9, 2016

Robert Newman and David Price
NHC Director Robert D. Newman in conversation with Congressman David Price.

For most of the last 30 years, Congressman David Price has represented North Carolina’s Fourth District which covers much of the greater Research Triangle region including the National Humanities Center. Prior to serving in Congress, he was a professor of Political Science and Public Policy at Duke University, and he is the author of four books on Congress and the American political system. As co-chair of the Congressional Humanities Caucus and a member of the Congressional Arts Caucus, Congressman Price has been a fierce advocate for federal investments in the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities, championing their work and the work of all of those engaged in promoting the arts and preserving the cultural and historical legacy of the United States. He has also been a loud voice on behalf of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and National Public Radio.
Congressman Price is also a longtime friend of the National Humanities Center and has made it his custom to visit the Center each year to meet with Fellows and answer questions about what is happening in Washington – in terms of the humanities and higher education as well as other topics. During his most recent visit, he sat down with NHC Director Robert D. Newman to discuss the importance of the humanities in a democratic society and why they remain a relevant and vital part of American education and civic life.