Artists’ Reception: Reclaiming My Time | National Humanities Center
Ice Queens by Cache Owens

Public Events

Artists’ Reception: Reclaiming My Time

December 7, 2019

Saturday, December 7, 2019 1:00–3:00 p.m. at the National Humanities Center

Join us for a reception and to meet the artists. This event is free and open to the public. No registration is necessary.

Hosted by the National Humanities Center and Visual Art Exchange

In 1971, American art historian and feminist critic Linda Nochlin signaled a disturbing trend in her acclaimed essay, “Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?” Institutional blockages to women’s success—from patronage, to selective omission, to embedded market practices favoring male counterparts—kept women from their rightful place in the visual arts. The hurdles facing women artists today are just as difficult to surmount as they were forty years ago. In fact, a survey conducted earlier this year found that only 13% of artists represented in the permanent collections of prominent U.S. art museums were women, only 15% were non-white.

This exhibit attempts to address some of these inequalities by recognizing the creations of female artists working in the regional South. The artists of Reclaiming My Time bring a range of practices to the fore, challenging and asking difficult questions of their social, political and natural environment.

Reclaiming My Time was curated by Roxana Pérez-Méndez, associate professor of art, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


Martha Johnson at (919) 549-0661.

Image: “Ice Queens” by Cache Owens (detail)