NEH Chairman Bro Adams Speaks to NHC Fellows and Trustees | National Humanities Center

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NEH Chairman Bro Adams Speaks to NHC Fellows and Trustees

April 8, 2016

On March 31, 2016, William “Bro” Adams, Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities, spoke at length to Fellows and Trustees of the National Humanities Center about the state of humanities research, teaching, and public engagement in the United States. Reflecting on the NEH’s founding in 1965 and the work it has supported ever since, he also discussed the challenges facing humanists and the liberal arts, in general, in the twenty-first century.

Evening Photos

  • NHC President and Director Robert D. Newman with NEH Chair Bro Adams.
  • William Leuchtenberg speaks with Vicky Newman.
  • NEH Chair Bro Adams speaks with NHC Trustee Joan Hinde Stewart.
  • NHC President and Director Robert D. Newman introduces Bro Adams.
  • NEH Chair Bro Adams speaks to NHC Trustees and Fellows.
  • National Endowment for the Humanities Chair Bro Adams.
  • NHC Fellow Vincent DiGirolamo (Spring 2016) addresses Bro Adams.
  • NHC Resident Associate Danny Walkowitz (2015–16) speaks to Bro Adams.
  • NHC Trustee Morris Williams asks a question of Bro Adams following his remarks.
  • NHC Trustee Lawrence Ricciardi, NHC Chairman Emeritus Carl Pforzheimer, and NHC Fellow Beatrice Longuenesse (2015–16).
  • NHC Trustee Raymond Wiacek and NHC Board Chair Patty Morton.
  • NHC President and Director Robert D. Newman with NHC Trustee Joan Hinde Stewart.