The Puritan Origins of the American Wilderness Movement
J. Baird Callicott, University of North Texas
Priscilla Solis Ybarra, Rice University
©National Humanities Center
Currier & Ives "A Mountain Ramble" c. 1860
| Library of Congress
". . . each town should have a park, or rather a primitive forest, . . . a common possession forever, for instruction and recreation."
| Thoreau, "Huckleberries," 1862
In an essay titled "Huckleberries" written shortly before his death in 1862, the first clear clarion call for
wilderness preservation was trumpeted by Henry David Thoreau, a lifelong contrarian who regularly
ridiculed the conventional attitudes and values of his New England contemporaries. After complaining about the penchant of his fellow citizens to make private property out of virgin forests, river banks, and mountain topsand to exploit them for commerce, lumber, and pasturehe insisted "that each town should have a park, or rather a primitive forest, of five hundred or a thousand acres, either in one body or severalwhere a stick should never be cut for fuelnor for the navy, nor to make wagons, but
stand and decay for higher usesa common possession forever, for instruction and recreation." Thoreau goes on to propose as local wilderness preserves "All Walden Wood, with Walden [Pond] in
the midst of it, and the Easterbrooks country, an uncultivated area of some four square miles in the north of the town." By twentieth-century standards, Thoreau's notion of a wilderness preserve was small potatoesthat is, small in spatial scale, as contemporary conservation biologists would put it. But here in a nutshell he captured the essence of American wilderness preservationpublicly owned, undespoiled land set aside in perpetuity for "higher uses."
Moran, "Valley of Babbling Waters," 1876 [Utah]
| Library of Congress
"going to the mountains is going home . . . wilderness is a necessity"
Muir, Our National Parks, 1901
John Muir took up the wilderness cause later in the nineteenth century and, early in the twentieth,
transformed it into a popular movement. Born in Scotland and raised in Wisconsin, Muir wound up in
California. Compared with the big, rugged, wild country of the West, Thoreau's "wild" haunts
appeared to be less like real wilderness and more like the fringes of suburbia. Muir extolled the value of
big wilderness in a prose more accessible and less judgmental than Thoreau's: "Thousands of tired,
nerve-shaken, overcivilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home;
that wilderness is a necessity; and that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains
of timber and irrigating rivers, but fountains of life."
In 1935, Aldo Leopold, Robert Marshall and other activists formed the Wilderness Society. In league
with other conservation organizations, such as the Sierra Club, which Muir helped to found and served
as president, they campaigned for federal wilderness protection. In 1964, President Johnson signed
Public Law 88-577 creating a "National Wilderness Preservation System." The "Wilderness Act of
1964," as this law is now known, was, thus, the culmination of a century of conservation philosophy,
propaganda, and political struggle. According to the Act, "wilderness, in contrast with those areas
where man and his own works dominate the landscape, is hereby recognized as an area where the earth
and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not
University of Southern Maine, Portland |
John Smith, "New England," 1635 (detail)
"It was their God-ordained destiny to transform the dismal American wilderness into an earthly paradise, governed
according to the Word of God."
The classic history of this movement is Wilderness and the American Mind (1967/1982). Author
Roderick Nash notes that wilderness is an important biblical theme, the "antipode," on the spectrum of
good, bad, and indifferent places, to the paradisical Garden of Eden. According to Nash, the Bible
consistently characterizes wilderness as "cursed" land, "the environment of evil," a "kind of hell" on
earth. The Puritan settlers of New England, steeped in the Old Testament biblical worldview, believed
they found themselves in such a "wilderness condition" of continental proportions. It was their God-ordained destiny to transform the dismal American wilderness into an earthly paradise, governed
according to the Word of God. To hear Nash tell it, "seventeenth century [Puritan] writing is
permeated with the idea of wild country as the environment of evil." Certainly one finds Puritan fear
and loathing of wilderness in William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation, 1620-1647, and many other
seventeenth-century Puritan writings, such as Michael Wigglesworth's God's Controversy with New
England (1662), and Cotton Mather's Decennium Luctuosum: An History of Remarkable Occurrences
in the Long War Which New-England Hath Had with the Indian Salvages (1699). While it would be an
exaggeration to claim that a celebration of the American wilderness and its indigenous peoples could be
found in Thomas Morton's New English Canaan (1637), one does find there a much more sympathetic
portrayal than in its contemporaries.
Thomas Morton (c.1579-1647) arrived in New England in 1622two years after Bradford and the
Mayflower contingentwith a group of business prospectors (rather than Puritan settlers). He soon
established himself as the leader of a trading post at Mount Wollaston (later called "Merry Mount"). In
addition to trading with the "Salvages" as he and his contemporaries called the Native Americans, he
befriended them and joined them in boisterous festivities on a regular basis. Particularly infamous in
Puritan memory, on one such occasion Morton erected a Maypole on Merry Mount, around which his
motley crew dancedin transatlantic heathen union. Bradford and others suspected he even illegally
traded guns and alcohol with the natives, and they eventually exiled him to England on the basis of these
BRADFORD______Of Plimouth Plantation
on arriving in 1620
Besides, what could they see but a hideous and desolate wilderness, full of wild beasts and wild
men? and what multitudes there might be of them they knew not. Neither could they, as it were,
go up to the top of Pigsah, to view from this wilderness a more goodly country to feed their hopes;
for which way soever they turned their eyes (save upward to the heavens) they could have little
solace or content in respect of any outward objects. For summer being done, all things stand
upon them with a weather-beaten face; and the whole country, full of woods and thickets, represented a wild and savage hew. 1620-1647, Ch. 9.
MORTON______New English Canaan
on arriving in 1622
In the month of June, 1622, it was my chance to arrive in the parts of New England with 30
servants, and provision of all sorts fit for a plantation: and while our houses were building, I did
endeavor to take a survey of the country: The more I looked, the more I liked it. And when I had
more seriously considered of the beauty of the place, with all her fair endowments, I did not think
that in all the knowne world it could be paralleled . . . . in my eye t'was nature's Masterpiece; her
chiefest magazine of all where lives her store: if this land be not rich, then is the whole world poor. 1637, Book II, Ch. 1.
In short, Morton and Bradford were not birds of a feather. Indeed, the way Morton writes about the
native peoples and natural environment of New England clearly shows how much he distanced himself
from Puritan ideology and its leaders. Morton's friendly relations with the indigenous peoples starkly
contrasts with Bradford's contentiousness. The two also evinced contrasting attitudes toward the
American natural environment. Because the American peoples and their natural environments were so
closely connected, not only in fact, but in the European imagination, Bradford's attitudes toward both
are closely connected, as are Morton's. And though sharply contrasting, Bradford's Indian-nature
attitudes and Morton's flow, at a deeper level, from a common source. They both subscribe to a sort of
primitivism. Bradford considered the Indians to be part of a forbidding wilderness, while Morton
considered them to be noble savages of a bountiful promised land. Consider the title of Morton's work about his experiences in New England, New English Canaan. With it he satirizes the Puritans' habit of perceiving themselves and the New World in terms of the tribulations of the Israelites in the Old
Testament. But also in this work describing New England, Morton "appeale[s] to any man of
judgement, whether it be not a Land that for her excellent indowments of Nature may passe for a plaine
parallel to Canaan of Israell, being in a more temporat Climat, this being in 40 Degrees and that in 30."
Morton sees New England as a promised land that may even surpass that of the Israelites and ironically,
to be sure, but also seriously dubs it "Canaan," while Bradford heroically insists that the wilderness
presents the greatest challenge in human history for God's chosen people.
Reconstruction of Plimouth Plantation
| Plymouth Colony
Archive Project
Worth noting is that seventeenth-century Puritan (and in Morton's case, anti-Puritan) writing makes a
mockery of the twentieth-century idea of wilderness as a place where "man himself is a visitor who does
not remain." It was, by all early-settlement accounts, teeming with people. And to the analytic eye of
an ecologist, the east coast of North America was far from being "untrammeled by man." Native
hunting, horticulture, town-building, and burning had created a landscape no less influenced by man
than that bequeathed to their heirs by the pilgrims from Europe, as historians William Cronon and
Carolyn Merchant point out (see Further Reading).
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