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My Neighbor, My Enemy:
How American Colonists Became Patriots and Loyalists

Online Professional Development Seminars
for History and Literature Teachers

January 12, 2010


Part A. Program Resources and Implementation  
For each item listed below, please use the following scale to indicate how you feel the statement reflects your own perspective or experience in the program. Place the number that best reflects your view to the right of each item. If an item is not applicable to your experience, please enter NA.

 1 - Strongly Disagree     2 - Disagree     3 - Agree     4 - Strongly Agree     NA - Not Applicable 

  1.   The National Humanities Center adequately explained how to connect with
         the conferencing software.
  2.   I was able to access the conferencing software easily.
  3.   My computer handled the conferencing software well.
  4.   The hyperlinked syllabus was easy to use.
  5.   I had sufficient time to prepare adequately for the program.
  6.   I had sufficient information to prepare adequately for the program.
  7.   I was comfortable using the conferencing software.
  8.   The conferencing software inhibited my participation in the program.
  9.   The conferencing software enabled participants to exchange ideas
10.   The format promoted active participation in the program.
11.   The visuals--text excerpts, discussion questions, Power Points--held my interest.
12.   The format required us to be online for too long a time.
13.   Conferencing software provides an effective way to explore texts collegially online.
14.   The program held my attention.
15.   I would participate in another online program.
16.   I will encourage a colleague to participate in an online program.
17.   How would you rate the overall implementation of
        the program?
Excellent Good Fair Poor
18.   How would you rate the overall content of the program?
Excellent Good Fair Poor

Part B. Professional Development Impacts
  1.  As a result of my participation in the program:  

  a.   I've gained new knowledge and understanding of:

  b.  I've deepened my existing knowledge and understanding of:

  c.  I've changed my views on:

  d.  My thinking has been challenged on:

  e.  I am more excited about:

  2.  As a result of your engagement with the program topic, what one or two "enduring
       understandings" are you taking away about this period of American history?

Part C. Impacts on Classroom Teaching
Listed below are some statements relating to possible impacts of the program on your teaching. For each item listed below, use the following scale to indicate how you feel the statement reflects your own experience or perspective. Place the number that best reflects your view to the right of each item. If an item is not applicable to your experience, please enter NA.

 1 - Strongly Disagree     2 - Disagree     3 - Agree     4 - Strongly Agree     NA - Not Applicable 

  1.  As a result of our discussions I feel better prepared to teach this material to my students.
  2.  The program has given me new concepts to introduce to my students.
  3.  The program has given me new materials to introduce to my students.
  4.  I plan to integrate at least one program text into my teaching.
       If so, please identify the text(s):

  5.  I plan to integrate concepts from the program into my teaching.
       If so, please identify the concept(s):

  6.  I plan to create a new lesson or unit based on material or ideas from this program.
  7.  The program gave me new ideas for instructional methods to use with this content.

Part D. General Feedback
  1.  How did you learn about this program?
Email Listserv Colleague Visit to NHC website

  2.  What most appealed to you about this program?

  3.  What was it about the National Humanities Center Education website/email that attracted you?

  4.  Will you recommend the National Humanities Center Education website/resources/programs to
       your colleagues?     Yes  No

  5.  What could we do better?

  6.   Please suggest some topics you would like the National Humanities Center to explore in future
        online seminars.
  7.  The National Humanities Center has my permission to use excerpts from this document for
       marketing and promotional purposes?     Yes     No


Online Seminars
National Humanities Center
7 Alexander Drive, P.O. Box 12256
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709
Phone: (919) 549-0661   Fax: (919) 990-8535
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Copyright © National Humanities Center. All rights reserved.
Revised: January 2010